Friday, June 25, 2010

First days in Kenya Pt. 1

We've arrived in Kenya, and after just three days, there's so much to share! After a long two days of travel, we arrived in Nairobi and were picked up at the airport by Joseph and his sister Hanna. Joseph is the founder of the organization called Touchkenya that helped us come here. They brought us to the apartment which we'll stay at when in Nairobi. There's another volunteer from Canada staying there named Alia. She's been really helpful in answering our questions because she's already been here for a month and knows a lot about Kenya already. After taking a quick nap and shower, we went to the orphanage where Alia works. To get there we drove through a slum in Nairobi. There was so much activity going on around us. There were people pushing cars that had gotten stuck in the mud that were entirely blocking our way, lone three year old staring at us as we drove by, animals wondering around in the middle of the road, and horns honking right and left. We picked up Alia and drove to the Nairobi Children's Home, which is another orphanage for younger boys and girls. This is where the girls come from that eventually go to the Machakos Rescue Center. When entered the main dining hall, a rush of children attacked us with hugs, and immediately pulled out outside to play. Being there with the children made us so excited to go to Machakos!
That night, Christine, another Touch Kenya founder, came over to the apartment and cooked us all dinner. Along with vegetables and chicken, she made us Chipatti, which is this delicious but incredibly oily flatbread that Kenyans eat only on special occasions. That night we learned all about how Christine and Joseph met each other and eventually founded Touchkenya only four years ago. It turns out that both of them have other jobs and they don't get paid for any of the work they do for touchkenya. It was surprising to us because for the past three days, Joseph has spent the entire day with us, and been so helpful. We find it so inspiring that they put so much work into this without receiving any sort of payment.
We spent the second day running lots of errands and seeing Nairobi and then finally, today we drove to Machakos where we'll be for the rest of our stay in Kenya. The drive there gave us a really great taste of Kenya. We saw camels and giraffes on the side of the highway and the view of the countryside was beautiful. It was so exciting driving into Machakos because it had an entirely different feel from the modern Nairobi. Unfortunately we only have two minutes left on the computer battery, so this is just part I of this post to be finished as soon as possible.


  1. This is so cool! I can't wait to read more about your adventures. I love you guys!

  2. Only two days there and your trip sounds amazing. Can you post pictures so we can see your surroundings and the girls? I am constantly checking my emails to get more messages and blog alerts. Can't wait to hear from you again.

  3. Yes, we want pictures! I love the details you are writing about, children's eyes, animals in the road..

  4. thanks for writing, we do appreciate all the little details, smells, food etc- how do you take a shower? what are the latrines like? you know what I like to hear about...anything gastronomical:)
