Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mafuta tafadali!

The other day we were watching the girls wash their clothes. We were amazed at how methodical and efficient all the girls, including the youngest ones, were at this chore. After washing their clothes, they used the same bar of soap to scrub their heads and faces. We noticed that the soap made all their faces very dry so we brought down some of our own lotion. While we had initially intended to give lotion to only Faith, the girl in the above picture, we suddenly found ourselves surrounded by a swarm of excited girls with their hands out, asking for "mafuta". Since that day we've been occasionally bringing the lotion down and the girls are just as excited as the first time.


  1. Yaaay!! Another post!! I can't tell you guys how much I love reading all about your trip, and seeing the photos of the beautiful girls and the places you've seen. Keep 'em comin'!!

  2. What a beautiful girl. I love the splotches of lotion on her face. Do the girls have non-English names as well as "Faith," "Lillian" and "Betty?" And who comes up with the English names? You two should come home with Swahili names in trade.

  3. She's so sweet looking! You also might want to consider aloe.. Did you have enough for everyone??
